Despite the fact that years have passed, the world is unchanged.Ĭhild Appearance- Children in this game are what we call "Patchwork Kids".

Letters then appear on the black screen that say "years later" and you then recive a cut scene of your child helping you get out of bed. When you are done, your spouse will annouce a pregnancy (wives say "Great news, I am with child!", husbands say "Wow! I'm going to be a father!"). When you are both in bed, the screen goes black and you hear your spouse talking about how wonderful you are. Having a child- Once you are married, you can ask your spouse to "Come to bed with you". Obviously, Argonians can only have children with other Argonians, as is the case with the Kajiits and Orcs. I'm not sure about the 3 races of elves, though. I didn't read much lore, but i'm pretty sure the 4 races of humans can have children with each other.

I already know that there are canidates of both genders for all 10 races. Spouse Compatibility- In order have a child, you need to marry a person of the opposite gender, and of a compatable race. Here's the way i think it could be implimented to give Bethesda the most minimal amount of work possible. Because Skyrim added both children and the abitity to get married, i thought it would be really fun if they combined these two things and gave the player the ability to have children of their own.